This is 6 Tips to Avoid Dry Lips and Cracking When Fasting
How to Avoid Dry Lips and Cracking On When Fasting
When fasting the body lacks water intake, so as to prevent dehydration. Dehydration can occur not only in body but also have an effect on the skin. The skin becomes dry and scaly.
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dr rochelle skin expert
dr rochelle
Usually the lips become part of the body feels dry and cracked. Do not worry, though do not get the requisite amount of liquid inside, but can remain moist lips with the following tips.
1. Expand Eating Fruits
Expand to eat fruit when breaking and dawn. Fruit will replace fluids lost during you do not eat and drink. Consuming fruits that contain vitamin C such as citrus, mango or kiwi nice to make the skin more moist lips.
2. Avoid Eating Spicy and Salted
When iftar and suhoor avoid spicy foods and too salty. Both of these foods can cause dry lips and mouth. In addition, salty and spicy foods actually make you faster thirsty.
3. Use Lip Balm
Another way to prevent dry lips are diligently applying lip balm. Look for moisturizing the lips that are emolian like vaseline, which is made from animal fat, to provide extra moisture.
4. Do not Breathe of Mouth
Breathe from the nose. Breathing of seamless causing the lips become dry.
5. Avoid Menjliat Lips
Dry lips is what makes a person continues to lick it. Though it is not good for the lips. "Licking lips will damage the lip protector. because it contains enzymes that in turn make dry lips, ".
6. Using Natural Ways
Sempatkanlah to treat the lips using natural ingredients. You can apply the lips with honey at bedtime were silenced overnight. Can also attach a wet tea bag on the lips and let sit for five to 10 minutes. The way it can improve moisture to the lips.
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