Monday, October 5, 2015

What Is the Difference Between Keywords, Meta Tags, Meta Description and Title Tags?

What Is the Difference Between Keywords, Meta Tags, Meta Description and Title Tags?

Here we are with part two inside compilation of steps to make your blog post the most interactive blogs on the Internet. In part one we looked at the need for allowing people to discuss your posts, we considered allowing individuals to be emailed when someone replies with a commentators comment and that we checked out making the URL within the name field a 'do follow' link. We also considered a plugin for social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. One of the best WordPress plugins just for this is 'Socialize' or 'AddtoAny.'

Yes, which was bold but from experience, it requires a courage and honesty to leave your blog comment for the author. The hardest part for your reader is leaving a good comment for that author; however there are people that leave pathetic and inflammatory remarks. The author can delete the comment or spam it. We will mention filtering indecent comments later on. Not every blog sites offer comment sections, but just a little searching and customizing on the website. We can give a comment section that readers can leave comments and other cool stuff for your author. Blogs who have low comments do not always suffer a traffic vacuum problem; you will find some blogs how the material am killer that I cannot think of a response, although it said "comments here please".

Many of these blogs promote themselves as "Do Follow", meaning they'll allow the search engines spider to "see and follow" the link from their site, giving credit towards the destination site online. Some come up with a very good living on advertising sales and AdSense clicks which comes from site traffic.

Level 1 - stop them at sourceStopping spammers with a Captcha form can be an effective tool, yet it is a distraction to genuine comment leavers and a few spammers are now able to beat Captcha forms. So for my blogs I have installed WP Captcha Free. It is a great little plugin, using a hidden effect. Rather than offering a Captcha it puts an encoded timestamp about the comment submission form. When the form is submitted the timestamp is checked. If the form is simply too old, the comment is ignored.

So virtually, the comment threads at Facebook as well as in the opposite website are mirrored together creating duplicate discussions in 2 separate locations. But besides creating an act of sharing inside your comments and threads, Facebook offers you an option inside the matter in both ends: you'll be able to elect to have your comments come in Facebook only or be visible on both sites.

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